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Empowering members with comprehensive insurance solutions.
© 2024. All rights reserved.
Onkoz is not licensed, regulated, or approved by any insurance, financial, or government authority. Membership with Onkoz does not replace or serve as a substitute for insurance coverage. Insurance-related services that may be accessed through partner organizations are exclusively subject to the terms, conditions, and regulations established by those third-party providers.
The information provided by Onkoz is for general informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered legal, financial, insurance, or professional advice. Individuals are strongly encouraged to consult directly with a licensed insurance professional or advisor in their respective jurisdiction for specific questions or needs related to insurance policies, coverage options, or other financial matters.
Crypto and fiat payouts through our affiliate program are processed as described in our terms and conditions. Payment frequencies and methods may vary by region, jurisdiction, or platform. Participation in the Onkoz affiliate program does not guarantee earnings and is subject to compliance with all applicable local laws, rules, and regulations. Affiliate commissions, discounts, and rewards are contingent upon the successful fulfillment of all program requirements.